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- Vidalia Housing Authority
Re-examination for Current Tenants Public Square Capital Fund Plans Notices Policies 2024 Five Year Plan CY 2024 ACOP - Amended 1.2024 2023 Five Year Plan 2024.01 - Waiting List Open Flat Rent Policy 2023 Resident Board 2024.02 - Waiting List Open Live In Aides 2022 Five Year Plan 2024.03 - Waiting List Closed Non Citizen Rule 2021 Five Year Plan One Strike Policy Pet Policy Bids/RFP's Invitation to Bid CFG 2022 Satellite Dish Policy Smoke Free Policy PHAS Scores Annual Reports FY 2022 Score FY 2018 Score FY 2022 Annual Report FY 2021 Score FY 2017 Score FY 2020 Score FY 2016 Score FY 2019 Score FY 2015 Score Public Square: Documents for Public Consumption
- Tony Evans | VHA
RECURSOS FAMILIARES: El objetivo es proporcionar un recurso impulsado por el valor que empodera a las familias, inculca valor y promueve una perspectiva basada en principios.
- Our Foundation | VHA
Nuestra fundación La Ley de Vivienda de 1937 ayudó a convertir la vivienda pública en la industria que es hoy. Originalmente diseñada para servir al aumento de familias después de la Primera Guerra Mundial, en particular a las fuerzas armadas, la Ley de Vivienda de 1937 primero dio poder al gobierno para proporcionar viviendas públicas, ampliando la PWA y el New Deal. Esta Ley es la base sobre la que se fundó nuestra Autoridad de Vivienda Local. En 1951, la Autoridad de Vivienda de la primera Junta de Comisionados de la ciudad de Vidalia tomó su juramento principal y celebró su primera reunión. Después de que se designaron los oficiales y se explicaron los deberes de cada uno, la Autoridad comenzó su solicitud a la Administración de Vivienda Pública (ahora Departamento de Vivienda y Desarrollo Urbano) para el desarrollo de dos desarrollos. Esos desarrollos se completaron en julio de 1958 y desde entonces han ayudado a miles de familias necesitadas. La Autoridad ahora se encuentra administrando 110 unidades de vivienda pública en toda la Comunidad Vidalia. Ayudamos a servir a más de 300 miembros de familias de bajos ingresos y ciudadanos de edad avanzada. Vivienda pública solamente No hay vales de la Sección 8 March 28, 1996 The One Strike Your Out Poilicy was executed by President Bill Clinton. This Executive Order was designed to help Public Housing Authorities eliminate drugs and violence in their developments. 1940 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 September 1, 1937 Franklin D. Roosevelt signs Wagner-Steagall Housing Act (Housing Act of 1937 ). This law established United States Housing Authority and encouraged people to buy homes through loans . June 22, 1944 Franklin D. Roosevelt signs GI Bill into law. This bill gave men and women coming home from World War II benefits including low cost mortgages and lowns for housing.. July 15, 1949 The Housing Act of 1949 was signed into law, resulting in federal financing of slum clearance, increase mortgage insurance, and authorized money to build Public Housing Units across the nation. This helped alleviate housing shortages caused by WWII ending. October 1951 The Vidalia Housing Authority has first Board of Commissioners Meeting April 11, 1968 Lyndon B Johnson. signed the Fair Housing Act into law. This law proibited discrimination in sale or rental of housing nationwide. It was written a week after the assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King ,Jr. August 22, 1974 The Housing and Community Development Act of 1974 was signed into law and authorized Section 8 housing. This gave vouchers to tenants based on their income to help pay for rent and subsidies were given to private landlords. July 1958 Vidalia Housing Authority finishes construction of all three developments. October 6, 1992 The Hope VI Program was implemented to help develop more public housing units. This program's aim was to use mix finance, leveraging private investments to help fund housing. After the demolition of thousands of public housing units, some claim, only half were replaced. The very first recipient was Atlanta Housing Authority, Techwood Homes. October 21, 1998 The Quality Housing and Work Responsibility Act was passed in an effort to reduce the concentration of residents in poverty. March 24, 1993 The Vidalia Housing Authority Hired Robert Kelley (Bob) to replace Jane Hamilton as Executive Director. Robert Kelley would then serve 17 years and elevate the Housing Authority to "High Performer." 2000 2010 2020 January 22, 2021 Hughes Threlkeld, who served as Chairman for 27 years, passed away. He was an extraordinary leader with a servant's heart. He help ed secure over 15 million in funds for the Housing Authority during his tenure.
- First Baptist Church| VHA
RECURSOS FAMILIARES: El objetivo es proporcionar un recurso impulsado por el valor que empodera a las familias, inculca valor y promueve una perspectiva basada en principios.
- Chuck Swindoll| VHA
FAMILY RESOURCES: The goal is to provide a value driven resource that empowers families, instills value, and promotes a principled outlook.
RECURSOS FAMILIARES: El objetivo es proporcionar un recurso impulsado por el valor que empodera a las familias, inculca valor y promueve una perspectiva basada en principios.
- Public Notices | VHA
Public Notice PUBLIC NOTICE 2024.3 ALL WAITING LIST STATUS CLOSED The Housing Authority of the City of Vidalia, Georgia is CLOSING its waiting lists for ALL units, effective May 13, 2024. The waiting list will be re-examined every quarter to determine if it needs to be reopened. Public Notice PUBLIC NOTICE 2024.2 ELDERLY, 2BR, 3BR WAITING LIST STATUS OPEN The Housing Authority of the City of Vidalia, Georgia will continue to keep it's waiting lists for the following units closed, effective April 10, 2024. ONE BEDROOM (NON-ELDERLY) FOUR BEDROOM The waiting list will be re-examined every quarter to determine if it needs to be reopened. Public Notice PUBLIC NOTICE 2024.1 ELDERLY WAITING LIST STATUS OPEN The Housing Authority of the City of Vidalia, Georgia will continue to keep it's waiting lists for the following units closed , effective January 4, 2024. ONE BEDROOM - NON ELDERLY TWO BEDROOM THREE BEDROOM FOUR BEDROOM The waiting list will be re-examined every quarter to determine if it needs to be reopened. Public Notice PUBLIC NOTICE 2023.5 ACOP AMENDMENT/LEASE AMENDMENT The Housing Authority of the City of Vidalia has adopted a new ACOP/Lease Amendment in accordance with the Housing Opportunity Through Modernization Act of 2016 (HOTMA). These new changes will take effect January 1, 2024. Changes will be reflected around the following topics: Addressing Over Income Families Interim Reexaminations Streamlined Verifications Increase Standard Deductions Additional Income Exclusions Medical/Disability Expense Thresholds Public Notice PUBLIC NOTICE 2023.4 WAITING LIST STATUS CLOSED : The Housing Authority of the City of Vidalia, Georgia will continue to keep it's waiting lists for the following units closed , effective August 4, 2023. ELDERLY ONE BEDROOM - NON ELDERLY TWO BEDROOM THREE BEDROOM FOUR BEDROOM The waiting list will be re-examined every quarter to determine if it needs to be reopened. Public Notice PUBLIC NOTICE 2023.3 WAITING LIST STATUS OPEN : The Housing Authority of the City of Vidalia, Georgia will RE-OPEN its waiting lists for the following units, effective May 1, 2023. ONE BEDROOM - ELDERLY TWO BEDROOM THREE BEDROOM FOUR BEDROOM The waiting list will be re-examined every quarter to determine if it needs to be adjusted. Public Notice PUBLIC NOTICE 2023.2 FIVE YEAR PLAN DRAFT: The Housing Authority of the City of Vidalia, Georgia, has developed its Agency Plan in compliance with the Quality Housing and Work Responsibility Act of 1998. This Plan is available for review at the Authority’s Administrative Office located at 907 Morris Street, Vidalia, Georgia. The Authority’s office hours of operation are from 8:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. and from 1:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday thru Friday. A Public hearing will be held on April 27, 2023, at the Authority’s Administrative Office located at 907 Morris Street, Vidalia, Georgia at 4:00 p.m. The Public is invited to attend. AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER Vidalia Housing Authority Scores In accordance with 24 CFR 902.64(b)(2), the Vidalia Housing Authority must post this notice of the final PHAS score and designation in appropriate, conspicuous, and accessible locations within 2 weeks of its release. FY 2022 (5/11/2023) FY 2021 FY 2020 (Covid Waiver) FY 2019 FY 2018 FY 2017 FY 2016 FY 2015 FY 2014 FY 2013 Public Notice PUBLIC NOTICE 2023.1 WAITING LIST STATUS CLOSED : The Housing Authority of the City of Vidalia, Georgia will continue to keep it's waiting lists for the following units closed , effective January 1, 2023. ONE BEDROOM - NON ELDERLY TWO BEDROOM THREE BEDROOM FOUR BEDROOM The waiting list will be re-examined every quarter to determine if it needs to be reopened. Lease Amendment LEASE AMENDMENT - UTILITY REIMBURSEMENT (Adopted 2/24/2022) The Housing Authority of City of Vidalia's Lease shall be amended in Section 24 and in accordance with CFR 24 966.4 and 966.6. In accordance with 24 CFR 5.632 (b)(2), The Housing Authority of the City of Vidalia has the option to pay either the tenant or the Utility Provider at the end of each month. 24 CFR 5.632 (b)(2) reads as follows: "In the public housing program (where the family is paying an income-based rent), the Section 8 moderate rehabilitation program and the Section 8 certificate or voucher program, the PHA may pay the utility reimbursement either to the family or directly to the utility supplier to pay the utility bill on behalf of the family . If the PHA elects to pay the utility reimbursement to the utility supplier, the PHA must notify the family of the amount paid to the utility supplier." This amendment will take effect 10/1/2022 after all re-examinations.